History of GyroMetric Systems Ltd

The GyroMetric Incremental Motion Encoder (IME) began as a research project at Nottingham Trent University.

The research objective was to solve measurement problems in rotating shafts.

The inventors of the original system were engineering academic Dr Paul Orton and mathematician Dr Janet Poliakoff.

Due to the novel and exciting commercial possibilities of the research, a spin-off company GyroMetric Systems was formed in 2009 with initial assistance from the University and subsequent support from the Lachesis Fund.

Since then the company has succeeded in developing a commercially successful product which is proving valuable in numerous applications from transport to turbines.

Dr Orton and Dr Poliakoff remain as key members of the Senior Management Team of GyroMetric which has grown by investing in skilled personnel and partnering with drive manufacturers in key markets.







Gyrometric achieves ISO9001 certification