
Protection of expensive capital equipment and improving reliability are crucial objectives for Power Generation and energy supply.


Wind power

GyroMetric systems are developing tailored monitoring solutions for wind turbines, one of the fastest growing sectors in the low carbon economy. Gearbox failures are common and the cause of the largest cost of wind turbine failure. Access and maintenance of offshore or remote wind farms is expensive so the use of our advanced systems to schedule maintenance and reduce gearbox breakdowns will bring obvious benefits. Remote monitoring is also of enormous benefit.

GyroMetric have installed a comprehensive monitoring system on a test Wind Turbine.

Nuclear Power Stations and Petrochemical Plants

For these safety critical sites, GyroMetric systems’ advanced features such as self-calibration and self-checking improve safety. They will also improve the efficiency of routine maintenance by prioritising the work more effectively.

GyroMetric System Applications 





Gyrometric achieves ISO9001 certification